A topic I have been considering for awhile to write about is how frustrating it can be to have a conversation with my NM. I'm not even talking about the irritating comments she can make and how she can turn the silliest and simplest things into a fight. I'm referring to the style of the conversation itself and my NM's behavior during it.
When I am talking about just normal every day things with my NM, I often find myself getting extremely irritated to outright aggravated. First of all, she will take something you could have said in a few sentences and drag it out to the point that you are just waiting in aggravation for her to get to meaning of the story she's telling. There have been times that she actually FORGETS why she was telling the story because she trailed off the main point to such a degree. What the hell is that? I can't even understand why it's so difficult to talk about something with regards only to relevant details.
But this is actually something I can deal with and consider myself to have gotten used to considerably. What else my NM has been doing that I have been having a hard time keeping my patience with and I feel has become a new habit of hers, is overtalking me in conversations. It pisses me off beyond belief and seems to be happening more and more lately. She will say something and I will try to reply/comment, but she will continue talking as though words aren't even coming out of my mouth. I find it so incredibly rude and inconsiderate. I mean, isn't the purpose of conversation because you WANT the other person to talk back to you??
During this times, I feel like I am engaging in a "competition" with her to get my words out and heard. I will say something, and as her words continue to pour out, I keep trying to say whatever comment I had to make louder and louder in an attempt to make her stop talking. It's a horrible, aggravating feeling in my gut. She has to hear me trying to talk, but I guess she just doesn't care.
The major irony in the whole thing is that she often accuses me in fights of "never allowing" her to get a word in edgewise and how I'M the one always overtalking her. Talk about projection.
On a funnier and more light-hearted note, this is a video I posted on WoN several months ago and I feel it fits perfectly with this blog post. As sad as it is, this is EXACTLY how it is to reason with my NM. In fact, the donkey is actually nicer and more civil than she is.
And unrelated to this post, I want to take the time to point out that yet another member (smallbluething) who is a victim of Danu's abuse has come forward. You can read her comment on my blog post about Danu. I find it disgusting that this crap is still going on, but I am totally not surprised. Around the time I made my blog post about Danu, I gathered other information I found via internet searches on her that build upon already existing proof that she is simply up to no good. A blog entry about that will come sometime in the future.